Trust ABN Registration

Registration Form

Who can apply

Trust Trust Registered within Australia

What to expect

10 minutes to complete application Save and resume at any time.

ABN delivered via email within 10 minutes

ABN/GST/PAYG for $49 Includes all government fees

All-in-one Application Business Names + Domain Names

What you will need

For Trusts: Full Name, TFN, Address & Contact Details for all Trustees

Get Started

Company Details

Sorry we cannot currently offer ABN registration for existing companies not registered with EasyCompanies.

Register a Company with EasyCompanies

You can easily register a company with EasyCompanies in a matter of minutes.

Register a Company

Trust Details

Login to EasyCompanies

You can easily add an ABN to your trust by logging into EasyCompanies.


Sorry we cannot currently offer ABN registration for existing trusts not created with EasyCompanies.
Sorry we cannot currently offer ABN registration for existing trusts not yet created.

Eligibility Details

If you are reactivating a cancelled ABN, please select 'No'.

About Existing ABN

Please ensure you answer this question correctly, if you have previously had an ABN before (for the same entity) you will need to reactivate your ABN.

For instance, if you are applying as a sole trader, and you have previously had an ABN as a sole trader, you will need to select "yes" above.

If you are applying as a partnership, and have previously had an ABN for this same partnership, you will need to select "yes" above. Otherwise, select "no".

Not eligible for an ABN

Sorry, if your business activities are not carried out in Australia we are unable to provide our service to you online. Please contact the ATO for entitlement consideration.

Labouring Services

Answer business if you will provide labouring services as a business. I will be considered an independent contractor for taxation purposes.

Answer employee if you receive salary or wages and will be required to work under the direction, control and supervision of an employer. I will be considered an employee for taxation purposes.

Not eligble for an ABN

Sorry, you are not entitled to an ABN. Please contact our office if you have any questions.

Not eligble for an ABN

As you have not started/or are taking steps to start your activity.

You do not have to provide a Tax File Number as part of your application, but if you do not, your ABN application may be delayed.

Birth Details:

Contact Details:

Preferably mobile

Residential Address Details (not a PO Box):

  • You cannot enter a po box address
Enter address manually
  • You cannot enter a po box address
's Details

We take online fraud seriously

We utilise measures to maximise your security and protection. Your IP address has been identified as ( Please note that if any suspicious activity is detected we may request additional information to verify your order. Any fraudulent activity will be reported to the Australian Federal Police and AUSTRAC.